google-site-verification: google93d099539a9b9503.html Cyberpark Technology Hubs: February 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


A technical paper that embarks upon the actual objectives of the State for the benefit of stakeholders and users of Internet Services in the Philippines will shed light on the existing and future aspects of the service.

Technical Report - Philippine Internet Part I

Such a paper shall make apparent all the reasons and basis for explaining the current state of Internet in the Philippines.

As the situation stands, Internet service in the country today is miserably slow and yet it counts as being among the most expensive all over the world. Why did such a situation come into being?  How were investments and revenues of the licensed providers used to allow this to happen?  What factors helped cause the snail paced speed of Internet in spite of exorbitant earnings amassed by providers from helpless subscribers? In the face of such wretched conditions is the Philippine Government simply going to stay immobile and inutile and not lift a hand to correct the problem?

A huge volume of literature abound on the problem of very slow Internet in the Philippines and the attendant malady of extremely high prices for Internet subscription.  Most of the existing material about the causes of poor Internet Connectivity relate to technical concerns. Some of the current literature are ZTE [2014]; Huawei [2015]; Alcatel-Lucent [2015]; Ericsson [2015]; Nokia Solutions and Networks [2013]; Anritsu [2015]; Motorola [2008], among many others.

Monday, February 15, 2016


Watch out for the book version of why the internet is slow in the Philippines. We will announce the publication of the technical report and its availability for everyone.
Merry Christmas all, be patient with your slow internet now. Fast internet speed is coming very, very soon to your computers, devices and mobile phones!!!

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Or call or send SMS at 09954398612; 09999779997.

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Slow Internet in the Philippines

Little do the current crop of Philippine stakeholders know that any scarce resource in the telecommunications industry, to include every single one of the specific bandwidths of the various Spectrum of our Radio Frequencies, are only allocated by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
Some quarters believe that owning the entire breadth of one whole Spectrum, whether one is able or unable to pay the Spectrum Usage Fee (SUF) to the government, is legal and just okay.
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